
Department of English

English is the most important global language.It plays an important role in our day today life .It is understood by many people all around the world .It works in international business,education,science ,technology,diplomacy,entertainment ,radio,seafaring,and aviation . it plays an important role in English literature. The language has contributed to bringing people and their culture closer.

Today English has become one of the major languages of world. It is the most common, useful and native language of most of the countries and it provides opportunities to Indian to get employment anywhere in the world. Most of the content available on the internet is in the English language and mostly non-native speaker access it around the world. English is a language of trade and industry in India. It is most common language use in communication.

It helps us to obtain your goals .Knowing and communicating in English has become need of the hour.it also grooms the personality for successful future.

  • Aims and Objectives  :

1. To develop the English competency skill of students.

2. To develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skill of students.

3. To inculcate the etiquette and moral values through teaching.

4. To prepare the students to analyze and judge by correlating a literary text with the real life situation.

5. To enhance the ability to appreciate and enjoy literature and language.

6. To develop the overall personality of the students

7.To motivate students for research