HOD Desk

Prof. Admane A. J.
Head of the Department
Mob No- 8983249162,
Email ID- ajayadmane678@gmail.com
Welcome to the Department of BSc at SND Arts Commerce and Science College, Yeola.
I Prof. Ghadage L.K., HOD, Department of BSc would like to take this opportunity to give insights about the department.
The Dept. of BSc., was started in the year 2012-13, with an intake of 120 seats. All the laboratories of the Dept. of BSc are well equipped with all the modern equipment and instruments. We are having an effective teaching and learning scheme for the enhancement of students’ knowledge by following the guidelines of Savitribai Phule Pune University.
To get more practical knowledge we are organizing various technical visits for the students, e.g. Parle-G, Kopargaon MIDC,.
Specialization offered:
1. Chemistry.
HOD Message
I am extremely happy to be associated with this department. I thank our management, teachers, alumni and students for their continuous support and cooperation.
I welcome the students and wish them all the best for their future.